US Oil Dependency on Middle East has Hardly Changed Since 2007
US imports started to drop following the 2007 recession and the financial crisis in 2008.
US imports started to drop following the 2007 recession and the financial crisis in 2008.
Should we be worried about the threat of a cold dark winter?
A new, landmark report shows that hopes of a long-term golden era in American oil & gas production are unfounded.
Drilling Deeper reviews the twelve shale plays that account for 82% of the tight oil production and 88% of the shale gas production in the U.S.
Solar power could replace coal as the world’s biggest source of electricity by 2050. That’s according to a new report this week from the International Energy Agency (IEA).
Those 24 Gboe (oil and gas) hotly debated during the independence campaign appear to be largely exagerated because half of that includes additional and yet-to-find resources the development of which is uncertain.
So it’s a no. Months of debate are finally over. But what’s the future for Scottish energy?
What are the lessons from the failed nuclear energy revolution?
Arizona, the sunniest state in the U.S., is 3.2% solar and 40-50% coal…what?! It’s a shining example of how broken the electricity system is…
I believe we’re at a point where renewables are going to continue becoming more affordable while fossil fuels continue to get more expensive, and more risky.
LNG exports have become a hot-button issue and enmeshed with the fate of an energy efficiency bill and a vote on approval of the Keystone XL pipeline.
Condemnations have rightly been forthcoming from a whole range of senior figures from celebrities to government officials, less attention has been paid to the roots of the crisis.