A post-peak vision for local planning

Planner Richard Gilbert’s vision for Hamilton, Ontario. Part one looks at the implications of peak oil and peak natural gas for Hamilton’s growth strategy. Part two discusses transportation, goods movement, and building energy use in more detail, focusing on Hamilton’s opportunities in energy production and conservation.

NYT doing Cheney’s dirty work again

It’s a big disappointment to see papers like the New York Times or the Guardian peddle the Cheney/Blair “war of the worlds” vision of energy markets. This is the vision whereby, in order to make people forget that it is … their refusal … to reduce demand through conservation or efficiency that has brought about the current energy crisis, they invent external enemies to blame for that situation.

America’s strategic imperative: a “Manhattan Project” for energy

The current world energy situation poses a national threat unparalleled in 225 years… Concurrent with rising demand [for oil] are indications that world production may soon peak, followed by permanent de­cline and shortage. Moreover, most of the remaining oil is concentrated in distant, politically hostile locations, inviting interdiction by enemies.