Open letter to Kevin Rudd, Australia’s new Prime Minister
The newly elected PM is taking over at a time of looming economic crisis due to Peak Oil. An Australian engineer describes the problem and outlines the steps he thinks are required.
The newly elected PM is taking over at a time of looming economic crisis due to Peak Oil. An Australian engineer describes the problem and outlines the steps he thinks are required.
Denmark prides itself of some small contribution to life after peak oil. The year 2001 brought an end to this, however. But with the November 2007 election, environmental policy has once again been put in forward gear.
Oil shortages in China may be only weeks or months away from becoming shortages in other places— perhaps even at your favorite gas station.
Plugging the Internet into clean power
Green computing is not an oxymoron
U.S. report warns of brownouts on overloaded Net
China’s green spending falls short
China still unable to wean off coal
Sarkozy to China: Grow in a clean way
Sarkozy calls on China to join global ‘New Deal’ on environment
Big Oil PR blitz suggests the un-reformed industry just wants to be friends – so shut up!
Gail the Actuary’s visit to Shell’s Brutus off-shore oil/gas platform
Oil and gasoline prices: The crack spread
So much money in environmental devastation that it can’t be stopped?
Lime is a much greener option than cement
Could electricity grid become a type of Internet?
GE hopes to cut mercury in “green” light bulbs
The price of oil may well rise in the next three years and it might even reach the $100 per barrel for a brief period. But this will most likely be caused by strong global demand or an unexpected geo-political crisis in the Middle East rather than by a decline in exports under the circumstances that Jeff Rubin has described.
The right to dry (clothesline liberation)
Household energy use rising
Power prices set to surge
Energy efficient appliances should be made compulsory, says UN expert
How to get a pipeline built (tutorial)
Running out of roughnecks
Big Oil sees Gulf of Mexico as pricey but accessible
Carnegie Mellon researchers question investing in LNG
New method of extracting heavy oil: Toe to heel air injection (THAI)
When the electricity is used is equally important as how much is used, in order to avoid blackouts and minimize the need to bring more power plants on line.
Matthew Simmons interview: All the canaries have stopped singing
The social effects of peak oil
Dale Allen Pfeiffer takes a closer look at Escape from Suburbia
Jay Hanson: Can American government survive “peak oil”?
Gregory Green, director of Escape from Suburbia