Inequality soaring with bloated executive pay
As income inequality in Britain continues to rise, research conducted by a British think-tank found that executive salaries are 162 times higher than those of the average worker in the U.K.
As income inequality in Britain continues to rise, research conducted by a British think-tank found that executive salaries are 162 times higher than those of the average worker in the U.K.
Exactingly empirical and deeply multidisciplinary, Capital is an extremely important contribution to the study of economics and inequality over the last few centuries. But because it fails to address the real limits on growth—namely our ecological crisis—it can’t be a roadmap for the next.
With public interest in the sharing economy on the rise, a polarisation of views on its potential benefits and drawbacks is fast becoming apparent.
One of the most fascinating things I read recently was The Lancet’s Manifesto for Planetary Health…
Thailand’s latest authoritarian turn is a warning to us all.
The “sharing economy” is just as exhilarating and vexing as the Web 2.0 meme was nine years ago.
Concerns about economic inequality are driving summer blockbusters and New York Times best sellers. When will they start driving our politics?
Access over ownership. After decades of excessive consumerism, this prospect sounded revolutionary. At first.
Thomas Piketty, a 43 year old, left leaning, French socialist economist, has written a 700 page book on inequality which has achieved something few would have thought possible. He has rocked the neo-liberal economic establishment to its foundations.
Following Pope Francis’ surprisingly blunt homily about capitalism in November 2013, my friend and colleague Michel Bauwens had the brilliant idea of proposing a practical way for the Pope and Catholic Church to help address economic inequality
One of Piketty’s main concerns is the increasing concentration of wealth that has characterized the past few decades, in the United States and other developed economies.
It’s not every day that an academic article in the arcane world of American political science makes headlines around the world, but then again, these aren’t normal days either.