Continuing oil spill consequences and catastrophes – July 13
-Wanted: Some Journalists With Guts to Take on the Government and BP!
-Out in the Oil with Captain Dave
-Obama admin imposes new freeze on deepwater drilling
-Wanted: Some Journalists With Guts to Take on the Government and BP!
-Out in the Oil with Captain Dave
-Obama admin imposes new freeze on deepwater drilling
The BP spill demands a far more significant response than ongoing cleanups, unsuccessful attempts to plug the gushing oil, and desperate efforts to mitigate the multitude of impacts from the biggest oil catastrophe in U.S. history. The BP spill demands a paradigm shift in how we run our economy and carry out our governance. Historians will one day look back on this spill as the nadir of governmental regulatory performance, in which oil companies commandeered and corrupted the Interior Department oil leasing program. So what’s the response we need to get the paradigm shift going? How about declaring a new holiday?
Most of us have not bothered to comprehend the yawning gulf that lies between our best intentions and our abject dependence on the wealth-producing properties of petroleum. Nor how this addiction fills us with delusions of godlike mastery over our environment while blinding us to the reality that we humans have grossly overshot our planet’s carrying capacity.
-Climate photo of the week: BP oil spill
-Canada: The Saudi Arabia of the North?
-The Gulf Spill – The Battle over the Drilling Moratorium
The ruined Louisiana marshes remain off limits, but locals gather at a fund-raiser in New Orleans’ Vaughan’s Bar and work out what they can do, as the oil spreads ever eastwards
A mid-week update of peak oil news, including:
-Prices and production
-Deepwater Horizon
The blogosphere overfloweth with indignation and facts and advice for third-persons regarding the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. So let’s get personal instead. Consider for a moment the various ways which WE (that would be you and me) might choose to relate to it. Ready?
-Photographer Briefly Detained by Police Near BP’s Texas City Refinery
-The BP/Government police state
-Media, boaters could face criminal penalties by entering oil cleanup ‘safety zone’
-Science and The Gulf Spill – Scientists Gauge The Impact of Oil
-Saudi Arabia’s real energy problem(s)
-What happens when coal is gone?
-Saudi’s Announcement
A weekly roundup of peak oil news, including:
-Oil and the global economy
-The Deepwater Horizon
-Quote of the week
What should be taken from this record of the complexity gurus? Certainly, they have technical knowledge which few can match. And, they keep track of developments in their respective areas much more thoroughly than nonspecialists. So, given that, why are their judgments frequently so mistaken?
A new narrative reverberating in right-wing political circles blames the Deepwater Horizon disaster on a favorite scapegoat: the federal government.