The gathering hordes

Proponents of the so-called “barbarian invasion” theory today warned of the “potentially disastrous” effects of hundreds of thousands of Visigoths, Huns, and Vandals plundering the imperial capital, including death, despoilment and dismemberment of the populace, and destruction of the city’s ancient architecture and temples.

The Long and the Short of It: Existential Comfort in the Age of Hopkins and Greer

…fortunately I don’t actually have to choose between Hopkins and Greer. If I did have to, I would feel that much of what drew me to Transition had been lost to organizational identity and pride. One is only forced to make such a choice when a set of ideas or principles gets mistaken for the foundation or orthodoxy of a Movement. Those of us in Transition should take this as a great warning.

Green Wizardry: A response to Rob Hopkins

Rob Hopkins’ critique of the “Green Wizards” project explored in recent Archdruid Report posts raises challenging questions: some of them about the project in question, others about the relationship between differing efforts to respond to a challenging future. The Archdruid offers his take on both subjects.

How fools progress

There are days I wonder if I’m out of my depth homesteading. (I’m a new homesteader in rural Ontario. You can read what that’s looking like here.) So much of my natural occupation has been about documents and computers. I’m at home in that world and understand it. But here in DIY-land there’s so many parts I don’t know, so many systems Like the Fool, my friend in the tarot deck, I step out with unknown perils ahead.

Food: Growing community food systems

Food systems can be a very powerful tool for resilience. In a revolutionary way, you can completely transform things without people realizing what’s happening–they are aware, but it just makes intuitive sense this way. It’s also not about just going out and fighting the proverbial "man," or continuing an academic dialogue about what could happen or should happen; you don’t have time for this because you’ve got a lot to do.

Climate – Sept 2

– Bill McKibben on David Letterman: “Thanks for scaring the crap out of me, Bill!”
– Bjørn Lomborg’s about face on climate
– The Lomborg Deception
– Poorer nations hit with ‘exorbitant’ consultancy fees for carbon offset projects
– The Coming Flood of Climate Refugees
– At a climate camp convergence and protest in Quebec

Why “green wizards” get us nowhere new…

Transition Culture is back! After a month of Cornish beaches, hemp lime plastering, wood store-building, cinema visits, catching up with friends, storytelling festivals, campfires and wrestling with cabbage white caterpillars, normal service is resumed. Nice to see you again, you’re looking well. I’m kicking off again with some reflections on John Michael Greer’s “green wizardry” concept, which he calls “the current Archdruid Report project”, which will no doubt generate some interesting debate.

The voyage of Kiri: Making sense of collapse

Discussion: Perceptive readers have probably wondered about the strange mix of topics we’ve covered — ranging from floods and fisheries to tourism development and drug production. What is the relationship between these issues and their significance to this voyage’s “theme of exploring the effects of climate on Mexico’s coastline?” This might be a good opportunity for a bird’s-eye view, using island examples and past societies for perspective.