A threat to burn the Koran and the role of the Transition Movement

When change unfolds, people want real solutions more than they want to hate. Our work helps people get focused on practical action, brings emotional rewards of connection and common purpose. Transition is an inoculation against human breakdown. It is inoculation against hate.

Simplicity and abundance (Day 172) September 17th

John and I take a trip out to visit Woody and Zoe at nearby Cuckoo Farm to see their gorgeous straw bale house, which has been plastered to meet health and safety regulations, and which now looks like an ancient thatched cottage. Over cups of tea I hear about anaerobic digesters and how simple a system they are.

The End of the World-as-we-know-it in 10 years? And the rise of the post-carbon era…

We are running out of time. By 2018, converging food, water and energy shortages could magnify the probability of conflict between major powers, civil wars, and cross-border conflicts. After 2020, this could result in political and economic catastrophes that would undermine state control and national infrastructures, potentially leading to social collapse.


Transition and loosely coupled systems

The term “loosely connected systems” popped out during a talk with a friend about the Transition Town phenomenon. Curious, I traced the concept back to a paper by Karl E. Weick during the heydey of systems thinking i 1976. It appears to be a perfect organizational architecture for Transition
(excerpts and links)

Stories that light up the dark

Tips for personal resilience from conversations I’ve had with indigenous people:

  • Seek guidance from people who have overcome suffering with dignity.
  • Learn from those who have maintained a sense of humor through difficult times.
  • Converse with grandparents and great-grandparents about their stories of hardship and the lessons they’ve learned. …
  • Connect with your own culture by developing an understanding of, and sympathy for, the experiences and stories that your ancestors handed down in your family.

The Long and the Short of It: Existential Comfort in the Age of Hopkins and Greer, Part IV

I may have left the impression in Part 3 that because Greer’s narrative is broader than Hopkins’, because it encompasses it, redescribes it, puts it into a wider context, because it doesn’t follow a simple and linear structure or have even a hint of a fairy-tale air about it—that because of all this it is superior or more realistic.

From ecocide to ecocentrism: a response

Ecocentrism, far from being a side issue, needs to be “the non-negotiable heart” of good human society. It is practical because it prevents us from destroying ourselves, as we are currently doing. It is ethical because it prevents us from destroying everything else at the same time, as we are also currently doing. And it is in a whole different league from discussions about which particular technology we use to run our computers.