Retrotopia: The Far Side of Progress
Progress as the enemy of prosperity, I thought, shaking my head. What a bizarre idea.
Progress as the enemy of prosperity, I thought, shaking my head. What a bizarre idea.
If the degrowth movement is going to get traction on the mass level, it’s going to need better stories: visions for a positive future that tap into the mythos.
Our stories hold energy. They can keep us focused on the content and energy of life as we know it.
Archdruids may take vacations but politics never sleeps, and during the month that’s elapsed since the last post here on The Archdruid Report, quite a number of things relevant to this blog’s project have gone spinning past the startled eyes of those who pay attention to the US political scene.
If we want a Planetary Awakening, we need to be thinking new story forms that celebrate interdependence, cooperation, and resilience.
Most people I know — left or right, American or European, religious or not — are different only in the brand of information provider they use, and all accept the information given to them as though it were real experience.
No one can logically persuade somebody to fall in love.
Our narrator visits another school, catches the flu, and has his first encounter with the Lakeland Republic’s health care system…
We truly cannot envision the ripple effects of our actions and the impact they can have on the future.
A few months from now, this blog will complete its tenth year of more-or-less-weekly publication. In words the Grateful Dead made famous, it’s been a long strange trip…
The problem with complex systems, such as Climate Change, the Energy System, and Financial Systems, is that they tend not to move in straight lines.
The society being referred to as “schizophrenic” here is industrial society.