A Framework for New Economy Organizing
When I first got involved in the co-op movement I didn’t do it because I thought the co-operative model was an end in itself.
When I first got involved in the co-op movement I didn’t do it because I thought the co-operative model was an end in itself.
A social-purpose cooperative that leverages the buying power of community institutions, the Community Purchasing Alliance (CPA)…helps over 130 churches, synagogues, schools and other institutions save money and make investments in environmental sustainability, worker equity, and community organizing.
CWB builds on local talents, capacities and institutions, rebuilding capital to strengthen and create locally-owned family and community owned businesses.
Seattle, the largest city in the Pacific Northwest with a population of over 652,000, is known for its Green Economy and is a model for sustainable business practices.
People are tired of seeing their communities treated like commodities, and they’re looking for ways to build platforms of their own.
Now in its fifth year, SELC is a driving force for the new economy, doing pioneering work around worker cooperatives, home-based food businesses, alternative currencies, legal guides for sharing, legal apprenticeships, accessible legal cafes, renewable energy, the commons, seed libraries and more.
History books usually study social movements of the second half of the nineteenth century from the point of view of the split between anarchists and Marxists.
Is there any path toward a more democratic, equal and ecologically sustainable society? What can one person do?
Imagine an online cooperative that supports economic equality around the world and is free from state control. This is the vision for Fair.coop.
The problems with how we get our food are a microcosm of the problems with our economy.
As a founding member of the Sharing Cities Network (SCN), Shareable interviewed Arroyo Sustainable Economies Organization (ASECO) to get the scoop on their recently released plan to create Share LA.
The worker cooperative movement has hit a new stride. Here are some of the most interesting and innovative worker cooperatives around.