Relational Foodsheds?
When you do a 10 or 100 or locavore diet, you realize how our current food system is like a stage set for the Okay Corral. Behind those false fronts is a machinery of illusion.
When you do a 10 or 100 or locavore diet, you realize how our current food system is like a stage set for the Okay Corral. Behind those false fronts is a machinery of illusion.
These 2% Solutions feature a mobile grocery and a mobile processing unit, both of which are innovative ideas for feeding people in food deserts.
A global grass roots movement has identified a very effective ingredient for building community: Fruit.
Here’s why you should care: Better, locally grown food. Public health. Job creation. Cleaner, safer places to shop.
It’s challenging enough to explain to a five year old child who has spent his or her whole life in the city that a carrot is a taproot and grows in the dirt.
•Mother: Caring for 7 Billion – Teaser – Free Streaming of Director’s Cut •Do the Math Documentary Premieres on Earth Night, April 21 •Growing Cities Movie
What especially impressed me in Rebuilding the Foodshed (though I could easily have tagged each page with a sticky note or more) is that Ackerman-Leist stresses the importance of being in a conversation with others, including those who are not necessarily like-minded, if change is to take place. Communities that manage to survive and prevail display a resilience that is ultimately based on the ability to have those conversations, to listen and speak and reason.
What is it about transition that is so cool? Well partially it’s the attitude. As Isabela Menezes of Transition Granja Viana says in the video, “It’s spreading with such speed primarily because it’s a positive movement.