The Vanity Costs of Burning Coal in Arizona
Arizona, the sunniest state in the U.S., is 3.2% solar and 40-50% coal…what?! It’s a shining example of how broken the electricity system is…
Arizona, the sunniest state in the U.S., is 3.2% solar and 40-50% coal…what?! It’s a shining example of how broken the electricity system is…
In the last fortnight we’ve seen new rules on coal emissions in the US, the prospect of a cap on coal consumption in China, and a report from the International Energy Agency (IEA) highlighting the risks to fossil fuel investment.
Even without the threat of carbon regulations, the US coal industry is already in dire straits.
•Here’s Why The Carbon Regulations EPA Will Announce Monday Are So Important •A guide to Obama’s new rules to cut carbon emissions from power plants •EPA unveils far-reaching climate plan targeting power plants •Obama’s New Plan To Fight Climate Change Is A Really Big Deal
Coalition energy policy came under fire from an unusual source this week – former energy secretary and noted fracking enthusiast Lord Howell. …he now claims the government’s view of shale gas “is much too optimistic…
•Turkish Mine Rescue Hampered by Fire That Killed Over 200 People •Coal mine collapse in West Virginia kills two miners •IEA: Coal use is spiking climate mitigation costs •The True Cost of Coal-report
The Koch brothers, the much-maligned fossil fuel titans, were in the news last week after their legislative stalking horse, the innocuously named American Legislative Exchange Council, was discovered pushing legislation in the states that would establish new fees on solar energy.
“The End Of China’s Coal Boom,” is a new, must-read chart-filled report from Greenpeace.
Net pay is what you have to pay your bills today. And, net energy is what society has in order to conduct its business (and its fun) on any given day. Is net energy still increasing?
The West Virginia chemical spill underscores why we need to do more to safeguard our water supply.
Mark Twain once said, "It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so." And, there are many, many things that the public and policymakers know for sure about energy that just ain’t so.
•China cracks down on emissions to combat choking smog •China’s first coal-to-gas plant soon to pump gas to Beijing •China’s smog reduction plan could add to water stress and boost emissions •China Faces Gas Shortage after Cutting Coal Consumption •China’s oil demand to 2020 •Beijing slashes car sales quota in anti-pollution drive •Shale Gas Revolution Not Coming To China Anytime Soon •China faces a long battle for blue skies