A seismic win went almost unnoticed amidst the Tuckerstrom
If juries begin delivering massive damage awards in one place after another, at a certain point even the mighty oil industry may have to settle.
If juries begin delivering massive damage awards in one place after another, at a certain point even the mighty oil industry may have to settle.
From the world’s biggest soccer championship to soccer training for kids, from major universities to music festivals and art galleries — if you can name it, fossil fuel companies have probably sponsored it.
I live in South Louisiana on the front lines of the climate crisis and cover the fossil fuel industry and impacts related to the warming planet, so facing gaslighting is a regular occurrence for me.
An important new study that came out a few minutes ago makes painfully clear precisely how much (and precisely how precisely) Exxon understood climate change, back in the days when it could have made a huge difference if they’d simply been honest.
Understanding how opponents of climate action employ these discourses of delay is essential to recognizing climate disinformation and misinformation, Arena said, and ultimately to disrupting it.