Combating ‘The End of Suburbia’
The DVD The End of Suburbia “looks directly at the reality of resource depletion, encouraging us to face that squarely, while inspiring the viewer to imagine creative solutions.”
The DVD The End of Suburbia “looks directly at the reality of resource depletion, encouraging us to face that squarely, while inspiring the viewer to imagine creative solutions.”
No matter when that peak occurs, though, the indisputable fact is that a few generations of humans—particularly we Americans—will have squandered a geological resource that took several hundred million years to accumulate.
One of the reasons a great many people, policy makers and leaders find it impossible to face the issue of peak oil is because it challenges the very beliefs that we argue are a priori truths about industrialised western societies, without requirement for justification, our fundamental birth-rights.
It is clear that policy makers, Government bigwigs, ostentatious self-promoting Mayors and general associated ignorami are about to make an error of monumental proportions. The mistake involves the gross misappropriation of public funds to build roading systems in Auckland and throughout NZ that in all likelihood will be empty of drivers early next decade.
Cities throughout California—the nation’s largest car market—prohibit the heaviest SUVs on many of their residential roads. The problem is, they don’t seem to know they’ve done it.
In a fascinating new documentary, The End of Suburbia – Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream, the central question is this: Does the suburban way of life have a future? The answer is a resounding no.
David Holmgren, co-originator of the permaculture concept and author of ‘Permaculture: Principals and Pathways Beyond Sustainability’, speaks with Adam Fenderson from Energy about permaculture and its role in an energy constrained world.
The bulldozer roars, and bites into a patch of green grass in Las Vegas, the city once hailed for making the desert bloom.
WESTERN AUSTRALIA – State Development Minister Clive Brown has a bold new energy vision for Western Australia, yesterday outlining the potential for a green hydrogen economy.
Tesuque engineer Mark Sardella envisions Santa Fe’s businesses and homes heated not by gas, not by coal, but by a source that went out of fashion, oh, about one and a half centuries ago — wood.
DETROIT- PAUL WEERTZ lives less than 10 minutes from downtown, but the view from his window is anything but urban. On a warm day this fall, the air was ripe with the smell of fresh-cut hay and manure. In the alley behind his house, bales of hay teetered and listed where garbage cans once stood. Chickens scratched in the yard, near a garage that had been turned into a barn. Mr. Weertz drives a Ford — not a sleek sedan but a rebuilt 1960 tractor.