Great Expectations
When you combine the seven deadly sins with high technology, you get some really serious problems. You get turbo-sins. It’s dreadful to imagine what goeth after turbo-pride.
When you combine the seven deadly sins with high technology, you get some really serious problems. You get turbo-sins. It’s dreadful to imagine what goeth after turbo-pride.
Audio interview with David Holmgren, co-originator of the permaculture concept, and Barry Jones of the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA).
A permaculture response to Peak Oil. There’s hope for the suburbs yet!
Can you really generate all your own energy for the home? Of course, say a couple who built an eco house to prove it. Dominic Murphy hears their recipe for bringing power to the people.
The circumstances of the Long Emergency will require us to downscale and re-scale virtually everything we do and how we do it, from the kind of communities we physically inhabit to the way we grow our food to the way we work and trade the products of our work.
The quest for a sustainable, ecologically sensible society in the Pacific Northwest. (Special edition, with several articles, including a long interview with Ernest Callenbach, author of Ecotopia.)
Today’s oil rise to back over US$51 per barrel is a critical factor as Australia is depleting its reserves faster than many other countries.
Ernest Callenbach, the author of Ecotopia, holds forth 30 years later on the difficulties of creating a utopia in the era of George Bush
The world – and of course the US – now faces an epochal predicament: the global oil production peak and the arc of depletion that follows. We are unprepared for this crisis of industrial civilization. We are sleepwalking into the future.
Community Service, Inc., has produced a proposal for a prototype housing development in response to Peak Oil that promotes energy-efficient building techniques, a sense of community, economic sustainability and local food production.
An impoverished American middle class will no longer be able to afford theme park vacations and the airlines that used to shuttle them down to Florida will be out-of-business. The new theme in 21st century America will be staying where you are…
Highly centralized generation of electrical power is a paradigm that has outlived its usefulness. Decentralized generation could save $5 trillion in capital investment, reduce power costs by 40 percent, reduce vulnerabilities, and cut greenhouse gas emissions in half.