Portland blazes new trails for the peak oil world
A trip to the progressive city reveals why its citizens are leading the world in awareness of Peak Oil issues.
A trip to the progressive city reveals why its citizens are leading the world in awareness of Peak Oil issues.
Friedman’s Addicted to Oil documentary this weekend on Discovery / Podcast – Kunstler: PO Impacts on Transportation and Cities / Michael Ruppert’s economic forecast / T. Boone Pickens on Charlie Rose / Yuba Gals “Peak Moment TV” on the road / James Schlesinger: Thinking seriously about energy and oil’s future
What would eco-cities look like? /
Caught in the money trap? Break free / Test tube meat nears dinner table / My children, the food experiment / Zen and the art of dumpster diving
BBC: Finding green in the concrete jungle / California: The Vampire Slayer (Act of 2006) /
Norway launches global seed bank /
Some farmers trade tractors for animals
Peak Oil and Climate Change are unprecedented global challenges. Four energy transition scenarios are presented to help guide dialogue and decision making: Lean Economy, Collapse, Techno-Markets, Burnout.
Interview with Richard Gilbert – city planning for peak oil /
CSIRO Sustainability Network Newsletter #59 /
Permaculture: brewing a greener lifestyle /
The Great Turning: Creating Local Solutions And Earth Community /
Video: Joanna Macy on the Great Turning
Bike boulevards: Portland cyclists have streets to call their own / Why Scots are getting on their bikes / Are our cities making us fat? / Minister: China must back-pedal on anti-bike policy / Bicycle round-up / Riding a bicycle can save the world /
Transport experts have seen the future, and it’s got pedals
BREAKING: Sheriff’s deputies evicting South Central farmers now / Sustainable architecture can reduce CO2 /
Food, energy woes can change people’s ideas of community / Organizing to break US oil addition – July Indiana conference /
5 alternatives to an oil-based economy
Darley: Relocalization for architects and developers /
Preparation for the future (thoughts For 30-somethings) /
A visit to the Eden project … Wow / Sustainable architecture can reduce CO2 / Is the battle for South Central Farm near a close? / HP cuts back on telecommuting / TIME: Lure of the 100-mile diet /
Gathering highlights power of the blog
One day soon, America will wake up from its infotainment-fueled sleepwalk and start desperately looking for answers to the predicament it finds itself in. A lot of that will revolve around the basic question of where we live, and how things in it are arranged. When that wake-up occurs, the New Urbanists will be ready, reliable, confident, and congenial as always — something like our country used to be.
Investment implications of an abrupt climate change / Al Gore on “Fresh Air” and ABC / Desert cities are living on borrowed time, UN warns
Critics blast Al Gore’s documentary as ‘realistic’ (The Onion) / College Republicans run a “global cooling” snow cone stand /
America’s obsession with that green patch in the yard