Housing – July 26
How U.S. homes are hurt by rising energy prices / Price appreciation at a 10-year low as existing-home sales soften / The housing & transportation affordability index (they are related!) / Earth homes make for affordable housing
How U.S. homes are hurt by rising energy prices / Price appreciation at a 10-year low as existing-home sales soften / The housing & transportation affordability index (they are related!) / Earth homes make for affordable housing
Eco-party celebrates art of simple living /
The Un-Coal /
Go green, Miliband tells UK supermarket bosses /
Green Wonders of the World (building) /
Is buying local always best? /
Principled eaters gather at grill
Here at high noon of 2006, I’ll stand pat with what I have said more than once: we have already entered the zone of The Long Emergency.
Interview with smart-growth expert Anthony Flint / The next real estate boom /
Plants, grass on the rooftop? No longer an oddity in Chicago.
In North America we spend 90 percent of our time inside buildings where the temperature, moisture, and even the oxygen content of the air we breath are all kept at acceptable levels by – you guessed it – cheap energy.
Fuel economy tips / Presentations from New Urbanism conference (including Kunstler & Darley) /
Ranchers and farmers find a silver lining in the conservation cloud / Author finds sprawl isn’t the be-all and end-all / USDA ID-tag plan for farm animals has some small-scale farmers unhappy
Urban location, housing debt and oil vulnerability in the Australian City / How to define ‘energy security’? / ASPO Newsletter for July / National Education Association alerted to peak oil
Meg Wheatley – the power of chaos /
We must preserve the earth’s dwindling resources for my 5 children / Think you would be happier if you were richer? Think again / Bogota’s mayor’s happy ‘war on cars’ /
“Made to Break” reveals the roots of our throwaway culture / High tech trash: Elizabeth Grossman
Civic problems the SAME around the world / World urban issues at your fingertips / Forget slum dwellers, ‘the problem is Donald Trump’ / Interactive map – urban growth
Great book, terrible title. Andre Viljoen has put together a book of the most profound importance at this point in history. How will we feed our cities beyond the age of cheap oil?
Neighbourhood green spaces turned into affordable ‘edible’ landscapes / Greenpeace launch new film on decentralised energy / Bryant Terry, food-justice activist, answers readers’ questions /
“EcoCities: Rebuilding Cities in Balance with Nature” – new edition / “Gardening When It Counts: Growing Food in Hard Times” – new book
U.S. panel backs data on global warming / Moms, guilt, and climate catastrophe / Reduce aviation’s expansion or give up on tackling climate change / Norway sees N.Sea as CO2 dump, but legal hurdles /
US: Surge of population in the exurbs continues /
Getting to the [climate change] holdouts