Transport – Oct 17
Columbia, transportation and the politics of happiness
Bus rapid transit (BRT)
The O-Bahn busway
Americans commute earlier and longer
Columbia, transportation and the politics of happiness
Bus rapid transit (BRT)
The O-Bahn busway
Americans commute earlier and longer
The California Legislature must revise the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to include a specific section on energy, including project energy needs by resource type.
GE develops hybrid lightbulb
Eco-mags go high gloss
West Coast Green – building is key
The language of green is universal…or is it?
In the battle to be green, the human factor works wonders
Billy goat not gruff about his responsibilities
Urban farming: city pickers
A summer spent killing—and eating—Seattle’s small game
We will be lucky if we can make the transition from our current circumstances to a future of re-sized, re-scaled cities and a reactivated productive rural landscape outside them, with a hierarchy of hamlets, villages, and towns in between, and some ability to conduct commerce and manufacturing.
Former mayor of Colombian city talks traffic
Peter Day meets Tesla Motors
B-52 tests alternative jet engine fuel
We need an X prize for eco-friendly air travel
Totnes is the UK’s first town exploring issues of how to prepare for peak oil. TTT is a community-led initiative which is working towards the creation of an Energy Descent Action Plan for the town.
Making the Tarmac bloom
Towpaths and bicycle commuting
High Point: Seattle’s green community
Wal-Mart grows ‘green’ strategies
The religious war on bottled water
The preferred habitat of the motorist is intrinsically a terrible habitat for the pedestrian, and vice-versa. Places truly congenial for both are a spatial impossibility.
Community gardens are primarily hobbies here in Vancouver, but internationally they are known for their ability to feed entire cities.
Over the past century, our cities have been shaped – literally – by the demands of the automobile. Today, with global oil reserves declining irreversibly, it’s time to face the challenges of the imminent post-oil reality.
City of Portland, Oregan, going 100% renewable
Offsets no easy fix for climate change
Californian Governor signs emissions commitment
Climate forces strange bedfellows