Transport – Dec 5
Monbiot: In praise of coaches [buses]
Vietnam gets richer, locals trade bikes for cars
So how about public transit?
Monbiot: In praise of coaches [buses]
Vietnam gets richer, locals trade bikes for cars
So how about public transit?
U.S. Senator Reid to change U.S. energy plan
Energy industry: Regulate us
Shutdown of EPA libraries
US dollar: everybody’s problem
Stalled subdivisions – Kunstler’s prophecy come true?
Energy Descent Plans and the Oil Depletion Protocol
Six ways to shrink that heating bill
Vancouver Energy Farm update
How to build intelligent suburbs
Ecotopia – a photographic exhibit
FEASTA expand website
Post Carbon Newsletter – a half million visitors
Kunstler: A reflection on cities of the future
Kunstler: Review of “Sprawl: a compact history”
Sprawl will stretch infrastructure – report
Sprawl wars: It doesn’t have to be so
Lords of the logistic: Don’t need no stinkin’ SUVs
Rail revolution to clear UK’s gridlock ‘in 30 years’
Heavier Americans – increased fuel consumption
Turns out, Seattle isn’t so green
Self-sufficiency plan for a suburban home
Science cafés: Knowledge in a casual setting
McKibben: Is corporate do-goodery for real?
Visionary architect William McDonough
Air conditioning and refrigeration are the most significant contributors to end-use household electricity use. Here’s some suggestions on how you can reduce your cooling costs not by a few percentage points, but by orders of magnitude.
Heart and soul of the city (eco-restoration in Seoul) /
Douthwaite interview (local currencies) /
The new rage on the road is ecological
A new comprehensive study by Saint Louis University researchers that flags the top 10 features of activity-friendly communities is a blueprint for improving public health.
Our ailing communities: car-dependent suburbia is bad for your health /
Where will everybody live? /
Kunstler: Gawn south
Gulf Bay double whammy: rising seas, dammed rivers /
Rising seas and stronger storms threaten New York City /
Tiny island states seek help from rising Pacific
E.O. Wilson on environment and religion /
Seattle City Light fights climate change /
Green living takes root in Sweden /
Integrating energy, transportation & land use /
Certified 100% fair trade organic pre-composting material in biodegradeable packaging