What Could Possibly Go Right?: Episode 71 Akaya Windwood

Akaya Windwood facilitates transformation. She advises, trains, and consults on how change happens individually, organizationally, and societally. She addresses the question of “What Could Possibly Go Right?”

We’re All Ukrainian. We’re All Russian. We’re All Gaian.

Though as legitimate as sending money (or non-fungible tokens) to the Ukrainian government or charities, is bringing Russians and Ukrainians together; is supporting local businesses by both; is using less oil so the Russian petrostate (and all other dictatorial resource-cursed nations) are weakened, and we move to a more ecocentric, less unsustainable civilization.

What Could Possibly Go Right?: Episode 68 Sherri Mitchell

Sherri Mitchell is the Founding Director of the Land Peace Foundation, an organization dedicated to the global protection of Indigenous land and water rights and the preservation of the Indigenous way of life. She addresses the question of “What Could Possibly Go Right?”