Greed over Need: Why Neoliberalism Sucks and How It Sabotages Community (Episode 61 of Crazy Town)
Sheesh! It’s time for something entirely different to replace neoliberalism – maybe “paleoprogressivism?” Calling all wordsmiths!
Sheesh! It’s time for something entirely different to replace neoliberalism – maybe “paleoprogressivism?” Calling all wordsmiths!
So I think there may still be further opportunities for merchant self-landlords to build more renewable and regenerative local economies within and against the structures of the warrior landlord state.
We can collectively reclaim the daylight of our attention, our right to decide what matters and what we wish to tend to.
Douglas Rushkoff is an author and documentarian who studies human autonomy in a digital age. Before our season break, enjoy this casual chat between Douglas and Vicki.
Are the 2020s just like the 1970s? If only! If our problems now were on the same scale as they were then, we would have a much better chance of solving them.
Michael Charles Tobias and Jane Gray Morrison have, once again, broken through into a new realm of environmental research with their latest mind-bending work, The Quantum Biosemiosphere.
In Teaching History for the Common Good, Keith C. Barton and Linda S. Levstik recognize that the past can be used “in a variety of ways, and for a variety of purposes.” One of these is to use history’s “potential to prepare students for participation in a pluralist democracy.”
By forming citizens’ assemblies people can proceed to develop a vision of how they want their world to be, at the center of which are people actively engaged as citizens.
Margaret Klein Salamon, PhD, is Executive Director of Climate Emergency Fund. She is a clinical psychologist turned climate activist whose work helps people to face the truth of the climate emergency and transform their despair into effective action. She addresses the question of “What Could Possibly Go Right?”
Take a tour through the history of advertising, and explore the escalation of mind games and marketing mania that has fueled consumerism and the capitalist conflagration, leaving us on the brink of a climate meltdown. B
Humanity as a whole must accept its sin in order to seek to overcome it through mechanisms to stop the imbalance that, as we have seen in previous essays, is the result of industrial civilization…
Powerful and wealthy people are just not smart enough to make these changes.
Luckily, there are plenty of smart people out there doing what needs to be done. We just need to look to them.