Reversing Inequality: Unleashing the Transformative Potential of an Equitable Economy

The US economy’s deep systemic inequalities of income, wealth, power, and opportunity are part of global inequality trends, but US-style capitalism and public policy make inequalities more acute. Their observable and felt harm to our civic and economic life is corroborated by research from many disciplines. Yet, by the same token, moving toward a more egalitarian society would realign most aspects of economic and social life for the better. So how can we bring these changes about?

The Democratized Economy III: From Growing Local to Growing Local Entrepeneurs

Here, we will explore some proactive steps community members can take when entire neighborhoods have fallen into a state of decline — as is the case in many working class communities across the country.

Wendell Berry, Wes Jackson, Mary Berry in Conversation

The problem of sustainability is simple enough to state. It requires that the fertility cycle of birth, growth, maturity, death, and decay—what Albert Howard called “the Wheel of Life”—must turn continuously in place, so that the law of return is kept and nothing is wasted. For this to happen in the stewardship of humans, there … Read more

A Conversation with RSF Social Finance CEO Don Shaffer

"People get buried in a blizzard of financial terms that obfuscates—makes opaque—what is going on, furthers the paradigm of, “We’ll just take care of you. Here are the reports—full of jargon and charts and analytics that are virtually meaningless to you."