So for all that the house is central to our economy (mind that definition, friends!), we are still homeless. We do not have a place that is part of us as we are part of it, that is valued for its own sake and cared for, that is who we are.
So for all that the house is central to our economy (mind that definition, friends!), we are still homeless. We do not have a place that is part of us as we are part of it, that is valued for its own sake and cared for, that is who we are.
Where Building the Cycling City focused on the freedom to bike safely, Curbing Traffic pays more attention to the benefits of a low-car city for those who are not, at any given time, on bikes.
If everyone in every local community starts to believe that and starts to take action, then there will be a synergy and this kind of community transformation would accumulate.
June 20th 2021 marks the return of the international WLD campaign, which aims to galvanize the worldwide localization movement into a force for systemic change.
Port Townsend’s unique county-community neighborhood preparedness project, NPREP, grew from a big-hearted sister-city project that took volunteers from a coastal town in Washington State to Bay St. Louis, Mississippi (pop 9,260).
The criticality of the global energy situation is emphasised by the release, on schedule (18-5-21), of the eagerly awaited “Net Zero by 2050” roadmap (NZE) from the International Energy Agency (IEA).
Philosophers from Aristotle to Polanyi have consistently argued that nothing can so engage people as real tactile experience, and real practical work.
Though the western-colonial orientation to power is unhealthy, power in itself is not inherently “bad.” In fact, we need to understand and utilize power in a healthy way in order to transform our communities and our world.
Community Resilience in the face of disaster… What does it mean to care for your community in unprecedented times, and how do you successfully navigate a rapidly shifting landscape of needs, opportunities, and challenges?
And there is no shame in leaving the marked trail of the race you started to follow a better course. There is only shame at not running your best race. For yourself and for Gaia.
I intend to be fully here in this new home. I will care for this place and be with and through and among this place. I will become wise with the knowledge this place holds. And I will become native — healthy, regenerative and in right relationship — to this place. This is my home.
There are many examples of Tipping points (TP). Although tipping points and points of no return are the buzzwords of our times, we should probably be using them more than we are.