Biofuels – Dec 11
Liposuctioned fat could be bio-diesel fuel
Can biodiesel compete on price?
Grist biofuels series shifts into future tense
As alternative energy heats up, environmental concerns grow
Liposuctioned fat could be bio-diesel fuel
Can biodiesel compete on price?
Grist biofuels series shifts into future tense
As alternative energy heats up, environmental concerns grow
Nepal introduces new rural energy policy
UN conference on bio-fuels
Solar power in San Francisco
Bacteria could be the source of an unlimited supply of power (?)
Venture capitalists pony up in sizzling market that may get boost from Prop. 87 /
Patzek: cellulosic ethanol will not save us /
Water scarcity may dampen case for biofuel /
Lester Brown: Exploding U.S. grain demand for auto fuel /
Harvard prof: the ethanol illusion
Cellulosic ethanol vs. biomass gasification /
Beyond corn: ethanol’s next generation /
Biofuel subsidies cost U.S. billions /
When kitchen waste isn’t wasted
St Louis renewable energy conference (day 1)
Report: Brazilian ethanol is sustainable
The trouble with ethanol (Patzek)
The ethanol alternative (ABC)
Oil Giants put energy Into other resources
We are … biotechnologists, as well as chemical engineers and have successful processes going today… Our carefully considered view, for which we will be happy to provide abundant evidence is that severe barriers remain to ethanol from lignocellulose. The barriers look as daunting as they did 30 years ago.
(The latest salvo in the Khosla-TOD debate about biofuels.)
As we make the transition to biomass for electric power generation, the US can create jobs and wealth, export technology to Asia (China & India), mitigate climate change and take a large step toward avoiding a longer term calamitous future.
Why pellets are packing the power / A hundred thousand points of light: Thinking out of the grid / Energy surety for mission readiness (microgrids and the military) / Movie casts the electric car as hero, GM as bad guy
Sympathetic coverage of a plan by Roger Bezdek, coauthor of “The Hirsch Report.” The four-part plan suggests: coal-to-liquid (Fischer-Tropsch process), pumping CO2 into old oil fields, biomass as a feedstock for synthetic fuel, and oil shale.
We in India who have lived in a biodiversity and biomass energy economy are rushing into oil addiction precisely when the global oil supply is running low and prices are running high.
Tapping the latent power in what’s left around the barnyard / Shell says biofuels from food crops “morally inappropriate” / Malawi: turning the future into charcoal / Malaysia weighs palm oil share for food, energy
Cautionary tales amid the latest coal revival / Gas companies on ‘treadmill’ of demand / Kuwaiti experts predict steady rise in oil prices / Washington Post:
the false hope of biofuels / Malaysia suspends biodiesel effort / Helping Air Force blue turn green