Biofuels – Feb 28
Castro: ‘tragic’ to use food to produce fuel
Biofuel- Zambia experts call for caution
Biofuels growth hit by soaring price of grain
Castro: ‘tragic’ to use food to produce fuel
Biofuel- Zambia experts call for caution
Biofuels growth hit by soaring price of grain
How will biofuels affect global hunger?
Will cellulosic ethanol take off?
Grain pain harms the biofuel industry
We’ll run out of beer before we run out of oil
Biofuels play major role in energy future
Rising corn prices put squeeze on dairies
Alternative fuels and the selling of snake oil
Oilmen say Bush’s energy obstacle: ethanol
Corn Grower VP talks high corn prices
Latin America prepares for prosperity, sparked by biofuel boom
Mexico grapples with soaring prices for corn – and tortillas
US corn exports may fall as ethanol use rises
As corn price rises, so could food bills
Biofuel trade disadvantages poor nations
Mexico feeling effects of ethanol boom
Corn soars, Mexico sets price limits
Analysts predict ethanol to power higher grain prices
Mexico caps tortilla price
Sweet dreams (local ethanol with sweet potatoes)
We received so much e-mail about last week’s article on using corn to produce ethanol that I was actually humming the whiskey-drinking Georgia Tech fight song to myself.
The farmer is the man [and woman] – report from Kentucky
Out-of-control burn-your-food-for-fuel policy
Biofuels boom pinches the world’s poorest
From a national security standpoint, large-scale ethanol production from corn will not make the nation more secure in any measurable way. It will certainly destabilize the nation’s food supply and disrupt traditional export patterns.
Minnesota poised to go green
NYT: Rise in ethanol raises concerns about corn as a food
Soybeans may grow scarce
My goal in this paper is to survey the issues and offer up for discussion some potential ethical guidelines for biofuel production, with the long term goal of helping our nation deal with the moral questions of our need for energy, and worldwide hunger.
80 Congress members pen letter to Bush for renewables
Germany sees potential in biomass
Renewable energy can’t save consumer society
UK: Wind farms ‘are failing to generate the predicted amount of electricity’
Geothermal: Man-made tremor shakes Basel
Biodevastation, hunger & false carbon credits
Biofuels seen as a luxury China cannot afford
Sun worship – advantages of biomass
South Africa: Biofuels ‘could drive up staple food price’