Biofuels – Aug 22
Interview: Robert Rapier on Vinod Khosla, Proposition 87, peak oil, and the need for transportation electrification / Indonesia counting on biofuel / Brazil’s road to energy independence /
Balkan biofuel could be on the horizon
Interview: Robert Rapier on Vinod Khosla, Proposition 87, peak oil, and the need for transportation electrification / Indonesia counting on biofuel / Brazil’s road to energy independence /
Balkan biofuel could be on the horizon
You might say that if fossil fuels are a big, thick steak, then renewables like ethanol are an arugula side salad with low-cal dressing. The salad is better for your health and lighter on the land, but it’s not going to fill your belly.
Lester Brown: Ethanol could leave the world hungry /
Ethanol, Corn Users May Deplete US Supplies By 2008 /
Africa looks to shrubs and sugar to beat oil price /
OPEC President Discusses Ethanol
We are … biotechnologists, as well as chemical engineers and have successful processes going today… Our carefully considered view, for which we will be happy to provide abundant evidence is that severe barriers remain to ethanol from lignocellulose. The barriers look as daunting as they did 30 years ago.
(The latest salvo in the Khosla-TOD debate about biofuels.)
Prof. Paul Alivisatos on nanotechnology and renewable energy / Boatload of biodiesel shipping today / San Francisco’s clean energy revolution is here
Due Diligence: An Oil Drum reader’s response to Khosla (on biofuels) /
Deconstructing the Virdian case for ethanol /
China Targeting Growing Biofuels 12x by 2020; 15% of Transportation Fuels /
Biodiesel Boom brings Demand for Vegetable Oil to Record heights
Biofuels could only play a meaningful role in a society that lived with some ecological modesty argues Dana Visalli
Why Wal-Mart wants to sell ethanol /
Imagining the Future of Gasoline: Reality or Blue-sky Dreaming? /
Environmentalists Burn Ethanol Hype as Empty Promise /
DOE To Invest $250 Million In New Bioenergy Centers
Frankenstein fuels / Sugar, oil prices decouple as biofuel stocks grow / Sweden 2020
Food prices would soar in biofuels switch, says Unilever /
Chez Kaiser’s food revolution: Hospital experiment putting locally grown produce on patients’ plates /
Micropropagation and sustainability
Peaches touted as future fuel source / Gasoline’s fledgling rivals: the race to power your car / Australia: Opposition U-turn on fuel
Cellulosic Ethanol: Clutching At Straws ? / MIT: Abundant power from universal geothermal energy /
China makes huge breakthrough in wind power technology / India hopes to double wind power generation by 2007