Biofuels – Dec 5
A Grist special series on biofuels
Algae: Companies convert CO2 to auto fuel
Expert: Careful on biofuel subsidies
A Grist special series on biofuels
Algae: Companies convert CO2 to auto fuel
Expert: Careful on biofuel subsidies
A technical report from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration which does a good job in pointing out the problems that need to be overcome if we plan to use alternative fuels to replace declining production.
Nepal introduces new rural energy policy
UN conference on bio-fuels
Solar power in San Francisco
Bacteria could be the source of an unlimited supply of power (?)
Father of modern arboriculture dies
Pfeiffer’s book on industrial agriculture
Livestock causes 1/5 of human-caused GHGs
BC’s first totally local winter restaurant menu
Ethanol skeptic sees painful realities ahead
Conclusions of the report: “Barring unforeseen circumstances, availability concerns are not a decision driver in the reduction of DoD fossil-fuel use at present. However, the need to improve logistics requirements and military capabilities, and, secondarily, the need to reduce fuel costs, as well as providing a prudent hedge against a foggy future, especially in the Middle East and South America, argue for a reduction in fuel use, in general.”
Dawning of the age of Frankenfuels
Biofuels: Turning petroleum addicts into alcoholics?
Sustainability, energy independence and agricultural policy
Datagro: Ethanol drives up food commodity prices
Grain-derived ethanol: the Emperor’s new clothes
Cellulosic ethanol reality check
Slow Food in Turin – the path toward ethical eating
Orchard thieves – thefts run into $millions
Up to 100 million acres needed for renewable energy in US
Ethanol production spikes corn prices
100 million acres needed for energy crops
Impact of corn ethanol on grain, oilseed, and livestock sectors (study)
Analysis of the link between ethanol, energy, and crop markets
Eric Schlosser on America’s food industry and his new film
NYT: Why roots matter more (local food)
Research needed to balance food, energy needs
Australia importing grain – so they can export it
Venture capitalists pony up in sizzling market that may get boost from Prop. 87 /
Patzek: cellulosic ethanol will not save us /
Water scarcity may dampen case for biofuel /
Lester Brown: Exploding U.S. grain demand for auto fuel /
Harvard prof: the ethanol illusion
The real scoop on biofuels /
As investors covet ethanol, farmers resist /
McCain’s farm flip