China – Jan 9
China pushes ‘Green GDP’ – officials unsure
Confusion over energy (biofuels)
China’s coal future (part 2)
China pushes ‘Green GDP’ – officials unsure
Confusion over energy (biofuels)
China’s coal future (part 2)
Minnesota poised to go green
NYT: Rise in ethanol raises concerns about corn as a food
Soybeans may grow scarce
Biofuels 2006: How is the value chain shaping up?
Animal fat as biofuel?
Corn faces ethanol challenge (switchgrass)
Iowa faces fuel vs. food dilemma
Soybeans may grow scarce
Poor harvests to push bread prices up
Wind: It’s free, plentiful and fickle
Australian PM puts faith in nuclear power
Biofuels may cut into Carolina cotton acreage
My goal in this paper is to survey the issues and offer up for discussion some potential ethical guidelines for biofuel production, with the long term goal of helping our nation deal with the moral questions of our need for energy, and worldwide hunger.
Army saves by topping up tanks with chip oil
UK govt report: “The Energy Challenge”
Carbon ‘credit card’ considered
Grist: What we’ve learned from the biofuels series
Growing corn for ethanol has limits
China to limit use of grains for biofuels
Mergers create biofuel majors
Enough electric capacity for plug-in vehicles
Why we drive
The pernicious price of petroleum
Distance-based auto insurance
Ethical travel – Monbiot interview
Richard Branson: Embracing ethanol and slashing airplane emissions
80 Congress members pen letter to Bush for renewables
Germany sees potential in biomass
Renewable energy can’t save consumer society
UK: Wind farms ‘are failing to generate the predicted amount of electricity’
Geothermal: Man-made tremor shakes Basel
Biodevastation, hunger & false carbon credits
Biofuels seen as a luxury China cannot afford
Sun worship – advantages of biomass
South Africa: Biofuels ‘could drive up staple food price’
Liposuctioned fat could be bio-diesel fuel
Can biodiesel compete on price?
Grist biofuels series shifts into future tense
As alternative energy heats up, environmental concerns grow
Mixed prairie grasses – best source of biofuel
Biofuel skeptic extraordinaire: David Pimentel
Alternative-energy boom roils Asian environments