“What Does a Successful Artist Look Like at a Time of Global Change?”
Sarah Woods and Fern Smith are founders of Emergence and authors of Culture Shift: how artists are responding to sustainability in Wales.
Sarah Woods and Fern Smith are founders of Emergence and authors of Culture Shift: how artists are responding to sustainability in Wales.
Art to me is about changing the way that I, or other people, experience or see the world or their place in the world.
The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination….is a collective which…"aims at opening spaces…and bringing artists and activists together to…co-create more creative forms of …civil disobedience".
With a little help from a spray can, a London-based street artist is swarming urban walls with a simple but important message: Save the bees.
Put it this way: we would never actually say "this is climate change". That doesn’t sit comfortably with us at all. We don’t like that bald categorisation of what we do.
When we started Transition, I imagined it as an environmental process. Now I see it as a cultural process.
Under what circumstances would we become mindful stewards of living systems, not just their expoiters?
Futurefarmers is a diverse group of practitioners: artists, researchers, designers, architects, scientists and farmers.