Want to Change the Future? Pay Attention to the Past.
From Mandela to MLK to McKibben, history offers lessons aplenty for climate activists
From Mandela to MLK to McKibben, history offers lessons aplenty for climate activists
The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination….is a collective which…"aims at opening spaces…and bringing artists and activists together to…co-create more creative forms of …civil disobedience".
Why I’m a hypocrite / Orlov: Extinct—Extincter—Extinctest / Big Ag’s Fight for Twitter Credibility
Detailed summary of this important new book on how to combat climate change.
Fundamentally, we have to “hospice what’s left of the system we’re leaving behind, while planting the seeds for the future we’re building.”
In building a movement, finding common ground is paramount. A movement can progress with the aid of constructive criticism, but it is imperative that this criticism be accompanied by genuine effort to understand and learn from one another, and recognition of each party’s value to the movement.
Rebuilding the commons in an economically-divided, violence-scarred neighborhood.
A danger with any movement is its potential to fragment into factions once it reaches a certain size – with the various factions competing instead of collaborating – and the potential emergence of a dominant faction that drowns out competing worldviews, theories of change, and tactics.
Review of "This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate" by Naomi Klein.
This is the time for our species to “turn 21”: to transition from adolescence to responsible adulthood as citizens of the planet, before we destroy our own future.
Truth be told, my goal here is not to belittle Bill McKibben, nor is it to scold climate activists in particular or activists more generally.
You have immense powers." That’s one of the messages of Post Carbon Institute’s Public Energy Art Kit (P.E.A.K.) project.