You Got to Move – Jan 23

– New York Times writer Andrew Revkin on climate change: “Occupy wherever you are to help us have a smarter relationship with energy”
– You Got To Move: Stories of Change in the South (documentary on Highlander Folk School)
– My Path To Transition Organizing
– Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking

How the pipeline died — and how to bury it for good

This Wednesday afternoon, the Obama administration rejected the permit for Keystone XL, a 1,700 mile oil pipeline that would have run from the tar sands of Alberta to refineries on the Gulf of Mexico. The announcement is a huge victory for the grassroots climate movement. While the fight to stop the Keystone XL pipeline is over for now, the political battle over the consequences of Obama’s decision is just beginning. Big Oil front groups like the American Petroleum Institute and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are already spending millions of dollars on TV ads to bash the President over Keystone XL.

Waking up, walking away

Today’s industrial societies preen themselves on their openness to change and the vast number of choices they provide to their inmates — er, citizens. Why is it, then, that all those changes and choices inevitably amount to more of what we’ve already got — which is not exactly working well any more? The Archdruid considers the options, and offers an unwelcome but necessary suggestion.

Occupy: rediscovering the general will in hard times

“Democracy,” wrote John Dewey, “is more than a form of government.” The image we are given of democracy is often reduced to administration, the implementation and management of the necessary, but the legitimacy of the state in democracies is inseparable from some notion of the general will. Democracy, as Rousseau argued, requires some process for the formation of the “general will,” by reference to which decision-making can be measured.

Fight for the Internet – Jan 16

– Sopa plans set to be shelved as Obama comes out against piracy legislation
– Wikipedia to shut for 24 hours to stop anti-piracy act
– Explainer: understanding Sopa
– How PIPA and SOPA Violate Free Speech and Innovation
– Momentum shift: SOPA, PIPA opponents now in driver’s seat
– Rupert Murdoch Goes on Twitter Rampage Targeting Obama, Google

Occupy sustainability: the 1% is blocking the transition to a renewable energy economy

A sustainable world that works for the 99% is possible, if we can respond to climate change, economic injustice and resource depletion at the same time. The transition to a renewable energy economy can be a valuable frame for that discussion. Just as the financial elites brought about the economic crisis, they are blocking the renewable energy transition to reap more profit from their fossil fuel investments. Because of fuel depletion as well as climate change, further delay may prevent a successful transition. Social justice and sustainability advocates can blow the whistle on the 1% for this issue too, and collaborate to speed up the transition locally.