The Gathering Fire
Something beyond history happens in these topsy-turvy moments—a crack in time, a glimpse into another way of being human. The fire is a bridge.
Something beyond history happens in these topsy-turvy moments—a crack in time, a glimpse into another way of being human. The fire is a bridge.
The Rojava Revolution has inspired people everywhere and is one living reminder that although breaking free from the patriarchal capitalist system is a tremendous task and will take some lifetimes, it is, nevertheless, possible. For the worldwide community of transformation seekers, there’s a lot at stake when it comes to materialize a bright future for all – and for real.
As the frequency of natural disasters continues to rise due to climate change, ask yourself: How prepared is your state for a disaster, and could it get by without federal aid?
Among all of the lessons of eating hand to mouth in the great outdoors, perhaps the greatest is to leave most of what I’ve found behind. I take only what I can eat and what the plant can easily part with. And I leave enough on the tree, in the ground, for the squirrels and blue jays and forest gods.
Increasing energy prices will also realign the balance between the urban and the rural to some degree and will most certainly pose a big challenge to megacities of thirty million people in areas without food production.
The only way to live in the world right now without touching AI is to rid yourself of all connection to the internet, and I don’t know how I would go about that, nor that I would want to. Given these conditions, it lifts my heart a little to see that there are those willing to try for a trickster move, a way to turn the machines against all of our expectations.
We are able to see why a root cellar is necessary. We are able to reimagine our path through life so that we are on the sustainable root cellar way, not the way of void following implosion.
As all us fans of sports cliches know, the best defense is a good offense. Time to start setting the fossil fuel industry back on its heels a bit!
Immigration and border security will be the likely focus of U.S.-Mexico relations under the new Trump administration. But there also is a growing water crisis along the U.S.–Mexico border that affects tens of millions of people on both sides, and it can only be managed if the two governments work together.
Organizing our communities horizontally and managing to draft collectively our own programmatic agendas helps us break the supposed juxtaposition between political visions of a better society and what is politically feasible in the meantime.
It comes in a box with a picture of a fire extinguisher on the front. Below it the words: Guaranteed to stop wildfires. But when you open it up there’s a chainsaw inside. Tucked beside it is a piece a piece of paper saying “Now without citizen overview!”
The Sonoran Desert is no stranger to heat, but as climate change makes heatwaves more frequent, intense, and long-lasting, the resilience of this desert’s most beloved plant is being tested.