Democracy at the Crossroads: An Interview with David Stasavage on Polarization

Post Carbon Institute Senior Fellow and author Richard Heinberg interviews David Stasavage, author of The Decline and Rise of Democracy: A Global History from Antiquity to Today. David summarizes polarization and capacity to deal with crises in democracies and autocracies, discusses the challenge of scale in modern democracies, and shares how past democracies like Athens and the Iroquois Confederacy dealt with polarization.

“Healing A Polarized World”: Jennifer McCoy On Creating Unity From Division

Jennifer McCoy, professor of political science at Georgia State University and nonresident scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, discusses the influence of “political entrepreneurs” and the implications of a world facing increasing resource constraints, which can exacerbate polarization and conflict within and between nations. Professor McCoy offers examples of nations that overcame pernicious polarization and points to “win-win” strategies for navigating the 21st century’s challenges.

Othering and Political Conflict in the Great Unraveling

This live online event on Octoner 8, 2024 features Lilliana Mason, Associate Professor of political science at Johns Hopkins University and author of Radical American Partisanship, and Cecilie Surasky, Director of Communications & Narrative at the Othering & Belonging Institute. Post Carbon Institute’s Asher Miller will join Lilliana and Cecilie for an expansive conversation on the drivers of polarization and othering, and methods for fostering belonging and mutuality.  

15 Questions with Tori Tsui

Tori Tsui, a UK-based climate activist, speaker, and author, can claim an impressive career centered around climate justice, policy, action, and organizing. In this video, Tori answers a series of questions about her career, the ways that climate anxiety and environmental injustice are related, and the importance of intersectionality in the larger environmental movement.

Citizen Engagement & Mounting a Proper Government Response to the Climate Crisis

Environmental journalist and podcaster Rachel Donald interviews Melissa Hoffer, the first ever Climate Chief for the state of Massachusetts. Rachel and Melissa discuss the role of government in changing the energy landscape, from relying on fossil fuels to widespread adoption of renewable sources and how to overcome the status quo championed by powerful corporations and national interests.

Community- and Justice-Centered Climate Action with Johanna Bozuwa

Journalist and podcaster Rachel Donald interviews Johanna Bozuwa, Executive Director at the Climate and Community Project, where she directs a network of researchers and experts to develop crucial and justice-based climate policy. Rachel and Johanna discuss community-based projects, policies aimed at climate adaptation and mitigation, and the political requirements of an equitable energy transition.