Baltimore Combats Food Deserts with Urban Farming Tax Break
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We no longer have rights to share this content as Seedstock are moving to a subscription model. As of 21/12/16, this content is still available to view at this link.
How can people in difficult circumstances build autonomous lives? The answer might be found in the Jardins de Cocagne: by cultivating vegetables.
…[T]he…climate movement tends to deny…that renewables are unable to maintain our Western…consumer lifestyles on a global level.
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Ecodrom93 enables Roma families in the suburbs of Paris to grow their own vegetables and make a home for themselves in the community.
An inverted totalitarian position is in direct opposition to the ecological principles that have, in previous years, been part and parcel of the very fabric of California.
The term shale revolution has been used so much that it almost has no meaning anymore.
Here, I round up what I believe to be the five most significant ‘revolutions’ that constitute the positive components of this phase shift, and whose inexorable evolution and proliferation offer profound opportunities for systemic transformation that benefits humanity, and the planet: information, energy, food, finance and ethics.
We are on the verge of a major tipping point in the way civilization works.
Humans are storytelling beings. In fact one could argue that it is impossible to make sense of the world without story.
[I]nternational media, governments and the United Nations enthusiastically welcomed a new report entitled “Better Growth, Better Climate” and trumpeted its central message around the globe: that economic growth and tackling climate change can go hand in hand….
New report overturns 20-year consensus on population estimates. New prediction is for a 70% chance of a rise from 7 billion to 11 billion by 21200.