Building Soil from Scratch, Two Brothers Embark on Urban Farming Odyssey
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We no longer have rights to share this content as Seedstock are moving to a subscription model. As of 21/12/16, this content is still available to view at this link.
Carbon is the most important element on Earth and the best way to begin explaining its significance is with the terribly important carbon cycle.
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Speaking of Creation encourages humility, reminding us of humans’ relatively small, albeit disproportionately destructive, place in that larger world.
We are at the point, now, where we can replace the usual definition of wealth as having lots of money, with a definition based on surplus.
Looming over this book…is the overwhelming fact that we have indeed entered the Anthropocene.
The three-century-long reign of the market economy is nearing its end whether we like it or not, wrote late British economist David Fleming in Surviving the Future: Culture, Carnival and Capital in the Aftermath of the Market Economy.
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Rivera Sun and Sherri Mitchell of Love (and revolution) Radio contacted me for an interview about native plant gardening and reconciliation ecology…We had a wonderful talk.
Those proposing just sustainability argue that if sustainability only includes or is only for the benefit of privileged people, then logically we don’t have any hope of actually achieving it.
This week on Sea Change Radio we talk with two experts about the impact that two energy corporations have had on actual people.
We no longer have rights to share this content as Seedstock are moving to a subscription model. As of 21/12/16, this content is still available to view at this link.