Local Government Support Bolsters Urban Farming Movement in Salt Lake County, UT
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We no longer have rights to share this content as Seedstock are moving to a subscription model. As of 21/12/16, this content is still available to view at this link.
There can only be one topic for a blog post today, as a great country stands poised to make a momentous decision with potentially global repercussions… I refer, of course, to the Peasants’ Republic of Wessex…
It is increasingly clear that ‘taking back control’ looks likely to mean nothing of the sort.
I always advise candidates with whom I consult to find something to which they can say "no" and to say "no" to it often. I am neither being perverse nor merely negative. I am being realistic. The most powerful word in politics is "no."
The Nubian Vault Association has evolved a quite different approach: the long-term, muti-dimensional cultivation of living local economies based on three kinds of value: a roof, a skill, and a market.
The film would have us believe that we can have our cake and eat it. We can’t. But there is still a delicious, albeit different, menu on offer.
It is no wonder that rural populations are feeling ignored and even threatened. It is harder and harder to make a living in rural locations. And, with the advent of 24/7 communications, it is harder and harder to maintain a rural culture that is distinct from that of most cities. Rural populations face a double attack on both their livelihoods and their "way of life."
More and more of us are re-discovering what our grandparents knew: that there is a certain value in being able to provide and preserve some things for yourself, with simple ingredients, while spending a lot less money and having a lot more fun.
What if we held a conference and nobody came?
In the melodrama that passes for the U.S. presidential campaign, Donald Trump got practically all the post-debate headlines last week. But what both candidates agreed on should be far more troubling. And yet, it elicits nothing more than a yawn these days in political discourse.
Science fiction fans who pine for stories grounded in reality, rather than in the techno-fantasies that prevail in most other science fiction, will find much to like in Into the Ruins.
We no longer have rights to share this content as Seedstock are moving to a subscription model. As of 21/12/16, this content is still available to view at this link.