Grassroots Activists Tackle Food Waste and the Refugee Crisis
What does food waste and the refugee crisis have in common?
What does food waste and the refugee crisis have in common?
When Trump and the Brexiteers fail to deliver on their promises, as they surely will, a political moment might arise when (perhaps helped with a wave of the wand) there’s a chance to install a left-wing, agrarian-oriented, internationalist form of populism.
More generally, if the Left wants to get the people who voted for Trump to vote for them instead, they’re going to have to address the issues that convinced those voters to cast their ballots the way they did.
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"I don’t know what comes next. I just know that the people are going to continue to resist, and it’s a great moment to be alive."
Many Americans are frightened by the idea of Donald Trump as the country’s new pilot-in-chief, fearing he’ll crash the airliner of state (including climate and environmental policies) into a mountain or the ground. Clinton, they argued, for all her flaws, knows how to fly this thing called a country using the federal government
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George R. Fehling’s novel Dark Peak is both an effective thriller and a heartfelt eco-polemic.
Now, it seems, we must find the secret of change in focusing all of our energies, not only on fighting the old and the new, but on building the new at the same time.
As I predicted back in January of this year, working class Americans—fed up with being treated by the Democratic Party as the one American minority that it’s okay to hate—delivered a stinging rebuke to the politics of business as usual.
If we don’t work together right now, things are going to fall apart.
Perhaps it is the enabling of imagination that is one of the most important things we do in Transition.