Rise of Trump and Trudeau haven’t changed need for radical climate action
The entire system must be put into question, not just who joins the new executive committee.
The entire system must be put into question, not just who joins the new executive committee.
The Netherlands will kick off the year 2017 by launching an experiment with an unconditional basic income starting in January – the culmination, for now, of a charismatic social scientists’ decades of activism.
Participatory budgeting is becoming increasingly popular, with more than 1,500 programs worldwide.
On a visit to Barcelona last week, I learned a great deal about the City’s pioneering role in developing “the city as a commons.”
In the debates that deal with energy and fossil fuels, it is rather common to read or hear statements such as “oil will last for 50 years at the current rate of production.”
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In the previous post on Chaos, Havoc, and the American Abyss, we began a discussion about the work of Peter Pogany, and how it relates to the situation we now find ourselves in with the pending Trump administration here in the U.S.
But can any of us imagine how frustrating beyond words it must be for someone from a small island state or a drought-stricken African nation, a going-underwater Asian country, or a progressive Latin American nation to be at the annual two week-long COP 22 [Twenty-second meeting of the Conference of the Parties] meeting of the UNFCCC – the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – and not be able to do anything.
So, the USGS comes out with a press release that the media immediately diffuse in terms of a great discovery: 20 billion barrels, somewhere in Texas in a place called "Wolfcamp".
Artificial cooling and digital equipment are the main drivers behind the quickly growing energy use of modern office work.
One of my favorite spots on our farm is not so much a destination as it is a place to pause along the way.
Both Trump and Brexit can be explained by the failure of mainstream political elites to address the pain inflicted on ordinary citizens in the neoliberal era.