Society featured

Casey Camp-Horinek: “Indigenous Wisdom: Resilience, Adaptation, and Seeing Nature as Ourselves”

July 25, 2024

(Conversation recorded on June 12th, 2024)

Show Summary

As we move through difficult cultural transitions and rethink our governance systems, it will be critical that we listen to voices that are rooted beyond the conventional Western thinking that has come to dominate our society. As such, it is always an honor when Indigenous leaders share their experiences and wisdom with the broader public.

This week, Casey Camp-Horinek of the Ponca Nation joins Nate to recount her decades of work in Indigenous and environmental activism. Her stories shed light on the often-overlooked struggles and tragedies faced by Indigenous communities in their efforts to restore and safeguard their homelands. Casey also shares her current work advocating for The Rights of Nature – which legalizes the same rights of personhood to Earth’s ecosystems – of which the Ponca Nation was the first tribe in the US to implement.

How is the treatment of Indigenous people under the United States government reflective of the exploitative relationship between industrial systems and the Earth? What is ‘Post-Traumatic Growth’ and how could it assist in healing the deeper cultural wounds obstructing genuine dialogue and change? Could aligning our current laws with the laws of nature – followed by every other species – result in a more sustainable, interconnected, and thriving humanity?

About Casey Camp-Horinek

Casey Camp-Horinek, Councilwoman and Hereditary Drumkeeper of the Women’s Scalp Dance Society of the Ponca Nation of Oklahoma, is a longtime activist, environmentalist, actress, and published author. First taking up the cause of Native and Human Rights in the early ’70s, it has been in the last 15 years that she began her plea for Environmental Justice for her Ponca people and people around the globe. Casey has identified and diligently worked to remediate the corridor of toxic industry surrounding the historic lands of the Ponca people.

Because of Casey’s work, the Ponca Nation is the first Tribe in the State of Oklahoma to adopt the Rights of Nature Statute, and to pass a moratorium on fracking on Tribal Lands. Casey was also instrumental in the drafting and adoption of the first ever International Indigenous Women’s Treaty protecting the Rights of Nature. Casey is a board member for Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network, Movement Rights, as well as Earthworks. Casey Camp-Horinek has also been a film actor since 1988, starring in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Winter in the Blood, Barking Water and Goodnight Irene.

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Show Notes & Links to Learn More

PDF Transcript

00:00 – Casey Camp-Horinek Works + Info, Rights of Nature

01:06 – Ponca People, Nebraska and Oklahoma

01:47 – Ponca adoption of the Rights of Nature

03:13 – Bioneers

08:06 – Doctrine of discovery, US colonization, Boarding school system

08:54 – Nebraska indigenous forced removal

09:23 – Stockholm Syndrome

10:33 – American Indian Movement, Civil Rights Movement

11:58 – Forced sterilizations among indigenous women

12:45 – Indigenous Marches on Washington, Trail of Broken Treaties

12:59 – Battle at Wounded Knee 1973

14:26 – Watergate

24:19 – Environmental degradation in Ponca Territory, Conoco’s Phillips 66

14:56 – Office of Indian Affairs developed under the Department of War, now under the Department of the Interior

26:06 – Mortality during forced migration of indigenous people

27:04 – Ponca Treaties, Ponca land theft for petroleum and waste dumping

28:14 – Navajo people, Nuclear Waste

30:58 – Standing Rock

31:45 – Non-violent direct action

34:27 – The Cultural Transformation of a Native American Family and Its Tribe: 1763-1995, a Basket of Apples

38:07 – Behavior modification

40:35 – Science and indigenous teachings

43:22 – Kenny Ausubel, Shannon Biggs

50:02 – The hundredth Monkey study

55:06 – Post-traumatic Growth, Anitra Warrior

55:25 – Missing and murdered indigenous women

1:02:18 – The importance of ritual

1:06:04 – International Rights of Rivers, Ponca adoption

1:06:43 – Osprey Orielle Lake, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network

1:07:59 – Freedom of Religion Act

1:06:43 – Ecuador Rights of Nature, Whanganui River, The Māori People

1:12:01 – Water pollution from fracking and mining

1:14:21 – Pella Thiel, TGS Episode

1:14:42 – Nina Simons, TGS Episode, Iroquois questioning absence of women decision-makers/slavery in colonial governing

1:26:09 – Civil Disobedience 

1:29:44 – 7th Generation Philosophy

Nate Hagens

Nate Hagens

Nate Hagens is the Director of The Institute for the Study of Energy & Our Future (ISEOF) an organization focused on educating and preparing society for the coming cultural transition. Allied with leading ecologists, energy experts, politicians and systems thinkers ISEOF assembles road-maps and off-ramps for how human societies can adapt to lower throughput lifestyles. Nate holds a Masters Degree in Finance with Honors from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D. in Natural Resources from the University of Vermont. He teaches an Honors course, Reality 101, at the University of Minnesota.