Hear what Danielle Nierenberg, Co-founder and President of Food Tank, Saru Jayaraman, President of One Fair Wage, and Melissa DeSa, Working Food Community Programs Director have to say about the failures of our global food system, how the largest segment of working America has been left without food and economic safety nets, and inspiring ideas for improving food security in our own communities.
ONE FAIR WAGE EMERGENCY FUND https://ofwemergencyfund.org/
ROC NATIONAL DINERS’ GUIDE https://apps.apple.com/us/app/roc-nat…
THERE IS NO GOING BACK https://www.thereisnogoingback.org/
FOODTANK https://foodtank.com/
WORKING FOOD https://workingfood.org/
ONE FAIR WAGE https://onefairwage.com/