REconomy practitioners is a virtual community of practice (CoP) of and for regenerative entrepreneurs. We do our work locally and we co-create and self-organise as REconomy practitioners to benefit from peer-to-peer support, social learning and coordinated action at translocal, transnational and global scale.
We guide what we do with permaculture and Modern Agile principles, and we are linked with the Transition movement, where unconference formats are widely used to facilitate community self-organising. When we recently discussed about what’s next for our virtual community of practice, a question was asked — what would we do if we would have 200+ strong group somewhere locally? The answer was —probably an Open Space event.
So we’re now on our way towards convening our first online Open Space event. The journey started 25th September with Christian Kemper, Christine Capra, David Röthler, Elena Vassilieva, Fiona Mac, François Knuchel, Gary Alexander, Jay Tompt, Jean-Paul Grange, Jorin Eichhorn, Judy Rees, Les Moore, Maren F Frank, Nenad Maljković, Steve McCann, Tanja Aertebjerg, Tim Strasser, Vic Desotelle and Wes Hinckes (in alphabetical order, with links to our profiles in case anybody would like to contact any of us).
Source: Harold Jarche on LinkedIn.
Something moved for me during this event due to interaction with all the attendees.
Over the last year or so, not only in REconomy practitioners CoP but also in other teams and networks I’m contributing to, we often talked about the need to connect with different initiatives and movements that are addressing the planetary emergency and are working towards designing regenerative cultures. We’ve been talking about the possbility that a global “movement of movements” is somehow emerging, and we’ve been hearing from other groups and communities they were talking about that too.
What became (visually) apparent to me during this event was that people that made themselves available to join our video conference are representing various “bubbles” they are part of. For two hours we’ve created an overlap of our own bubbles and we had meaningful exchanges.
Maybe that’s the way to frame and host REconomy practitioners online Open Space event? Not as online Open Space event for our own bubble, but as temporary global overlap of various bubbles with an aim to facilitate meaningful exchange and maybe coordinate some local to global action towards Earth regeneration? Maybe that way we could help facilitate the emergence of global “movement of movements” that is already happening? To complement what’s being done in WEAll — Wellbeing Economy Alliance that REconomy practitioners recently joined, by ECOLISE Knowledge and Learning open meetings in Europe, by UK-focused CTRL-Shift Summit or by Presencing Institute and by Capital Institute with global ambitions… to name just a few initiatives.
If this seems like an energising idea to you, consider joining REconomy practitioners virtual community of practice.