Join the “Eat-All Greens” Garden Revolution

February 16, 2015

NOTE: Images in this archived article have been removed.

“I spent five minutes spreading the compost on the driveway, two minutes sprinkling the seed, and maybe five minutes to harvest the whole patch. And I had maybe twenty pounds of nutritious leafy greens.” From this spur-of-the-moment idea, plant breeder Carol Deppe spent decades finding the most productive “eat-all greens” varieties with edible stalks. With three or four crops a year in a bed no larger than 4×12 feet, you can produce a couple hundred pounds of greens. The author of The Tao of Vegetable Gardening believes that this could revolutionize nutritious food production in urban food deserts, small plots and even commercial greens production. []

Image RemovedThis is Episode 282 of Peak Moments.

Janaia Donaldson

Janaia Donaldson is the host and producer of Peak Moment TV conversations showcasing grass roots entrepreneurs pioneering locally reliant, resilient communities during these challenging times of energy and resource decline, ecological limits, and economic turbulence. We tour North America in our mobile studio, taping on location. Peak Moment Conversations are online at Produced bi-weekly, there are over 200 half hour programs as of 2012.

Tags: building resilient food systems, vegetable gardening