With so much focus on the BP oil spill and the havoc it has wrought on the Gulf Coast, it’s easy to overlook the broader, more long-term environmental dilemma that serves as the backdrop for that catastrophe: Louisiana’s coastline is shrinking at an alarming rate. This week on Sea Change Radio, we welcome Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Bob Marshall of the New Orleans-based The Lens. In conjunction with Pro Publica, The Lens recently published Marshall’s in-depth piece on Louisiana’s imperiled shores. In the first part of our two-part discussion, Marshall recounts the history of the region’s struggle to keep dry, and delves into the reasons why human efforts to harness Mother Nature so often have gone awry.
Alex Wise
Alex Wise is the host and executive producer of Sea Change Radio, a nationally-distributed interview-format radio show concerned with the advances being made toward a more environmentally sustainable world, economy, and future.
Tags: Mississippi River, sea level rise, Watershed Restoration, wetlands
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