Editor’s note:
What’s the technology with the highest EROEI (Energy Returned on Energy Invested)?
I would say: learning how to work in groups.
All our great ideas about climate change, peak oil and re-localization are worthless if we can’t communicate with other people. It’s easy to get into gridlock and name-calling even with people who should be our allies.
Several other Resilience contributors like Vera Bradova, Cecile Andrews and George Lakey have been writing on the subject, and I suspect it will grow in importance.
The video below is a light-hearted introduction. It’s produced by a group that includes Kathy McMahon, a long-time contributor to Resilience. As "Peak Shrink," Kathy wrote extensively on the psychological traumas of peak oil.
"This one has it all: fighting couples, tigers, Russell Crowe, monkeys, statistics," she says.
This particular video is focused on couples, but the techniques apply equally to groups.
The content starts at 0:35 in, if you want to skip the titles.
-Bart Anderson, Resilience co-editor
Image: Patchwork Girl Arguing with The Bear King. From "The Lost Princess of Oz" by L. Frank Baum, Illustrated by John. R Neill (1917). Via Wikimedia Commons.