Long Island after Hurricane Sandy image via that_chrysler_guy/flickr. Creative Commons 2.0 license.
The amount of carbon we can burn and still have a safe climate is zero. One Australian calls it Code Red, time for emergency action. Plus new science on why New York City will flood again and again. Guests David Spratt and Dr. Stefan Talke, plus special on gardening in extreme heat with Marjory Wildcraft.
In this Radio Ecoshock show: we find out the amount of carbon we can burn and still have a safe climate is zero. One Australian calls it Code Red, time for emergency action.
Then we’ll zero in on one of the global cities that will flood time and time again. A new scientific report on why New York City is going under. [Link to paper abstract.]
We end with a quick lesson from a wise garden grower in Texas. How and what to plant in the coming times of heat and water stress as the climate warps far from normal.