P.E.A.K. We Have Work To Do

May 30, 2014

NOTE: Images in this archived article have been removed.

How often do any of us stop to think – really think – about what powers the world around us? Post Carbon Institute asked 12 talented artists to do just that, and put their ideas to paper and pixels. This exercise was no flight of fancy, nor is the Public Energy Art Kit. After all, energy lies at heart of the world we’ve built — the good and bad — and the energy choices we make determine our fate and that of countless other species. Making the right choices begins with the right conversation. And that’s where you come in. We hope that the images and words you hold in your hand inspire you to reflect and to act. WE’RE READY for a new energy reality. Are you ready to help make it happen?

Asher Miller
Executive Director
Post Carbon Insititute

Image Removed

I usually hate this kind of thing. I hate it because, if we’re not being told we can buy our way out of our energy problems with hybrid vehicles and drilling in nature preserves, we’re being guilted, shamed, and blamed for our personal role in the earth’s destruction. Not to say we’re not all a bit culpable, but I didn’t join this project out of guilt. I did it because I’m excited about the world we can create.

I know there are problems, I just want to know what I can do besides feel bad. The energy reality presented within the P.E.A.K. is a harsh one, but you’ll see each poster offers an alternative that is within reach, if not already arriving. The adjustments will not come easily, but there’s no time to indulge in the dour pessimism that too often taints the visions of our planet’s future. Most people see what lies ahead, now we’re all looking for a new path. Let’s get to work and show that path.

Steve Lambert
Lead Artist

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Asher Miller

Asher became the Executive Director of Post Carbon Institute in October 2008, after having served as the manager of our former Relocalization Network program. He’s worked in the nonprofit sector since 1996 in various capacities. Prior to joining Post Carbon Institute, Asher founded Climate Changers, an organization that inspires people to reduce their impact on the climate by focusing on simple and achievable actions anyone can take.

Tags: art, Culture & Behavior, energy-reality, P.E.A.K.