It is time to take an honest look at our energy predicament and change course. If we don’t, and soon, it’s likely that we’ll find ourselves in a world starved of energy, resources and even basic sustenance.
NOTE: Images in this archived article have been removed.
Our request is simple: we are asking YOU — activated citizens, community organizers, students, as well as anyone who cares about our future and our relationship to the natural world — to help us get the word out in a BIG way. The Public Energy Art Kit (P.E.A.K.), the final installment in our year-long Energy Reality campaign, is an effort to promote basic energy literacy, without which no movement toward a sustainable energy future can occur.
Join us in our national campaign to get 35,000 P.E.A.K. newspapers and their digital counterparts into public view. Leave a stack of these newspapers in public spaces in your community, or hang individual posters on the wall of your local city hall, at the entrance to your university, on your favorite freeway underpass, on the Statue of Liberty (high degree of difficulty), or even on the Capitol building itself. You get the picture. When you’re done, post a photo to PCI’s Facebook page, or your own social media channels with the hashtag #energyreality. Include the location and your thoughts, and we’ll share far and wide.
Post Carbon Institute has been honored to work with twelve wickedly talented artists on this project. The resulting work is here. Take a look, get started, and get ready for our new shared energy reality.
WE’RE READY to start using our limited resources responsibly.
WE’RE READY for the end of massive, centralized, polluting corporate energy.
WE’RE READY to fight for a better energy reality.…
Leslie Moyer
Energy Reality Campaign Director