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Giant investment bank taken over by hippie alarmists
David Roberts, Grist
London-based HSBC is a banking and financial services company, very old and very large — the sixth largest public company in the world. Greenpeace it ain’t. So it’s striking that the latest report from the financial giant sounds strikingly like the hippie alarmism of a Bill McKibben, a Joe Romm, or a … me. Then again, our hippie alarmism sounds a lot like the science surveys put out by the International Energy Agency, the World Bank, MIT, and the U.S. National Climate Assessment.
So I guess we’re all hippies now…
(27 March 2013)
Fossil Fuels Divestment Fever: Canadian Students, Doctors Launch New Campaign
Tyler Hamilton, The Energy Collective
Calls in the United States for universities to divest their fossil-fuel holdings are starting to spread into Canada, where students and doctors are beginning to speak out.
Students from across the country are taking part Wednesday in what’s being called Fossil Fools Day, described as the first national day of action for the Fossil Free Canada campaign, an initiative being led by the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition.
More than a dozen Canadian university campuses are planning marches and rallies in an effort to urge their university administrations to divest their endowments from fossil fuel and pipeline companies. Many already have active campaigns…
(28 March 2013)
Republican Mayor Leads City To First-Ever Solar Energy Mandate
Ryan Koronowski, Think Progress
On Tuesday, the City Council of Lancaster, California approved a mandate that most new homes must produce solar energy. This is the first such mandate in the nation.
Lancaster is a suburb in northeast Los Angeles county, and this new rule had no bigger advocate that Mayor Rex Parris, who is a Republican. He has long sought to make Lancaster “the solar energy capital of the world.”
Lancaster isn’t your prototypical hotbed of greenie environmentalists. Yet Mayor Parris said the rule wasn’t controversial: “It serves as a model. Here I am in an extremely conservative area, and there was almost no push-back.”… …According to E&E News, he also sees climate change as a pressing problem that his fellow Republicans would be smart to acknowledge.
“The one thing we have to recognize is just how desperate this situation is with global warming,” Parris said, “and at the same time recognize that we can actually fix it. We have tremendous capability if we just have the courage to do it.” … “The Republican Party is in a quandary because the polling shows that the voters support environmental protection. It’s the leadership that doesn’t,” Parris said. “You’d have to be a moron to discount global warming. I don’t know anybody that doesn’t recognize it’s occurring.”
(28 March 2013)
New Research Confirms Global Warming Has Accelerated
Skeptical Science
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Posted on 25 March 2013 by dana1981 A new study of ocean warming has just been published in Geophysical Research Letters by Balmaseda, Trenberth, and Källén (2013). There are several important conclusions which can be drawn from this paper. Completely contrary to the popular contrarian myth,…