Peak oil and Transition in the media – Sept 5

September 5, 2010

NOTE: Images in this archived article have been removed.

Click on the headline (link) for the full text.

Many more articles are available through the Many more articles are available through the Energy Bulletin homepage.

Image RemovedDaisy the Cow’s facade slips for just a moment. (How to Boil a Frog)

"How to Boil a Frog" TV premiere in Canada next Wednesday!

Jon Cooksey, How to Boil a Frog
Exciting news! We just discovered that “How to Boil a Frog” will premiere on Movie Central (on their MC3 channel) this coming Wednesday, Sept. 8th, at 8:30 p.m. For those of you who don’t live in the land of the noble igloo, Movie Central is a pay TV network that covers Western Canada, and (along with The Movie Network in Eastern Canada) was one of our earliest supporters. So if you’re lucky enough to be in the vicinity, please tune in – and please forward this email on to others who might like to do the same! Then we can all get on the phone after, and, like, talk all night.

And if you happen to live in the DC area and would like to host an itinerant film-maker for a few days in early October, please write back. I’ll be heading out there for a couple of conferences, then going up to Boston to catch a showing of the movie at the FilmShift film festival!

Oh, and if anyone has a time machine, we could use one to get the website ready. Alternatively, you could build a time machine, go back in time, and build a time machine, and ship it to me…but I digress. Spread the word!

Jon & all his friends at
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Germany invades Peak Oil!
(4 September 2010)
I think the satanic cow is a reference to the carbon footprint of cattle. -BA

UPDATE (Sept 6, 2010) Jon C. writes:

"How to Boil a Frog" discovers time zones!


Just to clarify, “How to Boil a Frog” airs at 7:30 PST on Movie Central this Wednesday – Mountain and Central times vary as usual, though things always happen a minute earlier in Saskatoon.

And this just in: “How to Boil a Frog” has been accepted to the Blue Planet Film Festival in LA, a most unusual fest that includes hands-on experience with the subject of the films it shows. Suggestions welcome for what we do after watching “How to Boil a Frog”!




Peak oil and happy cows (interview with IEA’s Fatih Birol)
One Planet, BBC World Servuce
Type the phrase ‘peak oil’ into any popular internet search engine, and you will not be short of results to wade through.

Like the fuel itself, the topic generates a lot of heat and hot air. This week on One Planet, reporter Richard Hollingham seeks to define the term ‘peak oil’ before asking leading experts whether they believe the event is nearing.

We then sit down with the world’s number one energy analyst Fatih Birol. He is chief economist at the International Energy Agency, and advises countries from America to Japan on energy policy. There is plenty we need to ask him about – from the Deepwater Horizon disaster, to drilling off the coast of Greenland, to recent claims that China is now the world’s largest energy consumer…. Oh, and what does he think about peak oil?

Also in this week’s show, Jo Fidgen reports on a new type of dairy farm that is heading to Europe – super dairies with herds of over 8,000 cows. Opponents claim these farms turn cows into nothing more than milking machines, supporters argue farms on this scale are needed to safeguard the industry and our food security.
(accessed 3 September 2010)
Money quote from IEA’s Fatih Birol: "The era of cheap oil is over forever." -BA


Voices of the Transition

Rob Hopkins, Transition Culture

Here’s a short treat for a Friday afternoon, a good way to sign off for the week, a trailer for a film being made by Milpa Films called ‘Voices of the Transition’. Looks like it is going to be rather good….

Here’s what Nils Augilar of Milpa Films told us about the production: “it is totally independent, non commercial, passion driven and collective (as far as it is possible to involve different actors in the production process). We managed to get grants from different foundations (EU, France, Switzerland), which permits us to operate very freely, neither bound to structures, nor to political or economical doctrines… Also, our goal is to use very diverse channels to promote the permacultural, agroecologial and TT propositions showcased in the movie: we would like to organize debates in schools (very important), as well as public open air projections, presentations on documentary festivals, and partly a free internet diffusion. A DVD is also going to be edited in 4 different languages (german, english, spanish, french), which will permit to show it in different other european countries”. They are now looking for some additional funding in order to finish the film off … perhaps you might be able to help?

(3 September 2010)
Related: An August Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition (with loads of videos!) (including videos in Italian and German)


Tags: Building Community, Culture & Behavior, Fossil Fuels, Media & Communications, Oil