Haiti’s Overshoot of Habitat Capacity, Energy Constraints and Preceding Environmental Disasters Amplifies Nature’s Fury

January 15, 2010

Haiti is the poorest and most densely populated country in the Western Hemisphere, with a (pre-earthquake) population of around 10 million persons and a population density of 335 persons per sq km (10 times the density of the U.S.).[i] With a long history of colonial and political oppression, shortened life spans, massive poverty, energy shortages, poor health care, a raging HIV/AIDs/TB epidemic, and numerous other deep-seated social, political and economic problems, Haiti also represents a vivid and tragic example of Catton’s “Overshoot” concept of when a population exceeds the long term carrying capacity of its natural environment.[ii]

As Amiel Blajchman and many others have pointed out, a major cause of Haiti’s environmental degradation has been the population’s need for cheap energy.[iii] Its growing and impoverished population is perched on a small landmass with almost no domestically available fossil fuel energy resources and few hydroelectric power supplies.[iv] The cause and effect has been a massive deforestation as wood became the primary but diminishing energy source for heating, cooking and lighting for much of its population. This dramatic deforestation[v] is even visible from NASA satellite imagery.[vi] The numerous ramifications of this environmental degradation are well described with adverse impacts on agriculture, hurricanes, transportation infrastructure and several ecosystems.[vii]

Now, with the worst earthquake shaking the Caribbean in 200 years, we must sadly add another chapter to the Haitian book chronicling the linkage between its human and ecological disasters. Without significant domestic lumber sources or the resources to import replacements, much of the Haitian housing consists (or “consisted” in the area s hardest hit) of unreinforced or poorly reinforced concrete. As can be seen by the utter devastation in the numerous aerial surveys and neighbourhood panoramas posted over the Internet, those type of structures fare much worse than that of wood frame housing known to perform well in earthquakes from a human safety perspective. Thus, the Haitians share all too much in common with the experience of the Easter Islanders ecocidal slide into oblivion discussed by Jared Diamond.[viii] Had the Haitian forest environment been managed differently they might have been able to build their homes out of wood and the human suffering from this rare but predictable earthquake would arguably not have been as great.

With the help of massive embodied energy in the food and disaster response resources imported from generous international humanitarian efforts, some of the longer term devastation and loss of life from this event will be averted or postponed. But one can’t help but shudder at the possibility of an entire world so constrained by energy/economic decline induced transport constraints where no help will arrive in time, if at all, in inevitable future earthquake and other natural and man-made disasters. Collapse may be slow and sometimes imperceptible by the current generation, as both Diamond and Greer[ix] eloquently discuss, but sometimes nature’s fury compounded by mankind’s short-sightedness and foibles wreaks havoc and death in a heartbeat.

[i] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiti

[ii] http://tiny.cc/F3hmX

[iii] http://redgreenandblue.org/2009/05/10/haitis-poverty-is-directly-linked-to-deforestation-and-habitat-loss/

[iv] http://earthtrends.wri.org/pdf_library/country_profiles/ene_cou_332.pdf

[v] http://tiny.cc/7KE8P

[vi] http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a002600/a002640/

[vii] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deforestation_in_Haiti

[viii] http://www.skeptically.org/env/id12.html

[ix] http://www.energybulletin.net/node/46311

Hank Weiss

Dr. Weiss has worked as an epidemiologist in a Public Health career spanning over thirty years. He directed academic injury research centers at the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Otago (Dunedin, NZ) and founded and coordinated the injury prevention program at the Wisconsin Department of Health. He is currently Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Population Health Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health.

Tags: Culture & Behavior, Fossil Fuels, Health, Oil, Overshoot, Population