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Seed balls
Douglas J.E. Barnes, Permaculture Reflections
Seed balls are a method of propagation widely promoted by Natural Farming innovator Masanobu Fukuoka.
Seed balls are simply seeds mixed with equal propertions of dried compost and clay in , formed into small balls, and dried for later sowing.
(18 Oct 2006)
UK: Win a Place on the Life After Oil Course!!
Rob Hopkins, Transition Culture
We have often run competitions in the past at Transition Culture, but never before one for a prize worth £1,200! Those lovely folks at Schumacher College have offered us a place on the unmissable Life After Oil course to give away in a competition. Really, it doesn’t get much better than this. You could be spending two weeks in lovely Totnes, in the beautiful environs of Schumacher College with some of the leading names in peak oil and energy descent solutions, on the year’s finest peak oil education opportunity. Richard Heinberg! Micheal Meacher! David Fleming! Soup and homemade bread! Now, you wouldn’t expect us to just give this away, we need to make you work for it a bit, so what we would like you to do is to compose a limerick which contains the words ‘Life Beyond Oil’, and whichever one makes the staff of Schumacher College laugh the most wins the place.
If you are unsure what a limerick is, there is a very thorough description of it here. Please email your limerick (you can enter more than once) to robjhopkins (at) by 10 am on Tuesday 31st October. Whichever one raises the loudest titter within the walls of Schumacher College will be coming to Totnes for 2 weeks (transport not included). Enjoy yourselves! Keep ‘em clean…
(17 Oct 2006)
Becoming Native
Jason Godesky, Anthropik Network
… While previous waves of migration into the New World used culture to become native more quickly, we have so far used our culture to try to remain invasive. We do not want a relationship with our ecology, even as the species we brought with us are re-negotiating the terms of their newly mutual co-existence. We continue to shape our attitudes and convictions based on the customs of England and the sensibilities of the Old World. We have used our culture to resist change and adaptation, and to slow the process of becoming native. We remain an invasive species in the New World, because we refuse to become native. We do not want a relationship with this New World; we want to rule over it.
(10 Oct 2006)
An excellent article. Jason has been producing a truly formidable amount of high quality essays recently. Check out the October achives of the Tribe of Anthropik blog for more.
David Korten’s The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community (Video)
Global Public Media
David Korten, author of “The Great Turning: Empire to Earth Community” speaks about his book and about strategies of relocalization at the Canadian Centre for Peace in Vancouver BC.
(22 Sept 2006, but just posted)
Green chimney could save the planet
David Whitford, FSB Magazine via CNN Money
A new power plant chimney that converts greenhouse gases into helpful substances could have a huge impact on global warming.
…The story is how a small-town heating and ventilation engineer with no illusions about his customers’ true priorities (“What makes me go is, Can I make you money? If I can’t, don’t hire me”) suddenly finds himself on the front lines of the fight to halt global warming.
His weapon? A new experimental technology he calls a liquid chimney that captures the greenhouse gas escaping from coal and natural-gas furnaces and turns it into a harmless material that could be used in construction or even dropped into the ocean to rebuild coral reefs. The impact could be huge, considering that half the greenhouse gas that America generates comes from burning coal and natural gas.
Kiser got rich by figuring out how to slash energy costs for small and large companies, including Ford Motor. His River Rouge Ford project was a collaboration with William McDonough, one of the world’s leading environmental architects and co-author of “Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things.”
(20 Oct 2006)